What are the Advantages of Fresh Fruit Boxes in the Office?

The healthy eating movement is rapidly gaining traction. Not diet fads, gloopy green smoothies, or celery juice cleanses, but just old-fashioned healthy eating. This means eating less sweet delights and more protein, fruits, and vegetables.

A fresh fruit box is quickly overtaking complimentary cookies, cake, and pastries as the most popular office snack, and a stacked office fruit bowl is becoming a frequent sight in corporate kitchens. This has various benefits for your organisation. Not only is fresh fruit delightful, but there are several long and short-term benefits to eating fruit at work, both for your employees' health and for the workplace in general.

1. A Natural and Healthy Method of Increasing Energy Levels

It's no secret that London ladies and gents like coffee, with cafés on every street corner and a seemingly infinite supply of caffeine accessible. This might make it easy to overlook the fact that there are alternative healthy ways to boost your energy levels. Fruit's natural and healthful sugar will keep you energised throughout the day, so when that 3 pm slump hits, you won't feel terrible about grabbing for a snack.

Did you know that eating an apple gives you more energy than drinking a cup of coffee? Even more incentive to keep them on hand at work. Oranges, grapefruit, berries, and melon have all been demonstrated in studies to help you stay mentally engaged.

2. Stops Us From Munching on Unhealthy Stuff

Some workplace office snacks may be healthy, like fruit or low-fat yoghurt, but if you're eating packaged sweet snacks at your desk, you're most likely consuming more than you realise.

Just because it's packaged and marketed as a healthy snack doesn't mean it is. How many 'low fat' biscuits, muffins, and cakes do your staff eat at work? How about the pre-packaged, made-up sandwiches, bread rolls and fruit? It all adds up! The more you snack, the more you're likely to eat. A fruit box will help stop us from snacking on other unhealthy options and provide us with a healthy snack when we need it.

3. Encourages Water Consumption

You can't go past the benefits of water, and fruit is an excellent way to get water into your diet. Fruit contains plenty of fibre, which will help you feel fuller for longer by slowing down the digestion process, leaving you feeling satisfied for longer. Fruit is also high in vitamins and minerals, which we need for hydration.

Water is important for everyone and often overlooked. It helps expedite the metabolism process to burn calories, improve brain function, and prevent muscle cramps.

4. Encourages Healthy Eating

With fruit being so readily available, convenient and on-trend, it means that it's becoming a staple snack at workplace desks, rather than the downfall of a healthy diet.

When you love what you're eating, you're more likely to just keep eating it. Think about how you normally feel eating a healthy snack compared to eating a high fat, high sugar snack. You're less likely to reach for that chocolate bar when you're busy munching on a piece of apple.

5. Boosts Work Productivity

According to a study conducted by Mindlab International, healthy snacking can improve productivity by up to 20% compared to eating a sugary snack or drink. This is because fruit is full of energy, boosting vitamins and minerals and being low in sugar, fat, and calories.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know why your staff should be eating fresh fruit at work, go out and invest in some. A fruit box is a great healthy alternative to cakes and sweets, and will be a much-appreciated treat for your staff.

Have fresh, seasonal fruit brought to your London Office from a fruit delivery company in London! Covent Garden Market provides fruit boxes, eco-friendly bags and fruit baskets. Providing fresh fruit to staff is the most cost-effective work benefit. Fruit promotes staff health and well-being, and can be delivered daily or weekly! Milk, bread, tea, coffee and office snacks can be included with your fruit order. Please place your order through our website today!

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